Safe Toenail Fungus Treatment During Pregnancy with Citronella Oil

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Dealing with Toenail Fungus during Pregnancy

So picture this: you’re getting ready to welcome your bundle of joy, and then you notice some weird stuff going on with your toenails. Thickening, discoloration, and just an overall “ugh” feeling. Well, you’re not alone! Many moms-to-be face toenail fungus during pregnancy, thanks to all those crazy hormone changes, a bit of immunity dip, and the extra blood flow.

Keeping It Safe for You and Baby

Before we jump into the solution, we need to talk about safety first. You see, not all toenail fungus treatments are cool for pregnant ladies. Some meds can be risky for the little one growing inside you. So, let’s go for a natural and safe route, shall we?

Citronella Oil: The Fungal Fighter from Nature

Citronella Oil

Now, this is where the hero of our story comes in – ! You might know it as that awesome insect repellent, but guess what? It’s a fantastic antifungal too! This oil is extracted from a tropical plant called Cymbopogon, and people have been using it for ages to fight infections.

My Own Toenail Fungus Journey

Okay, so let me spill the tea – I’ve been there! During my pregnancy, I also had this toenail fungus thing going on. Can you imagine dealing with that while prepping for a tiny human to arrive? Yikes! So, like any curious mom-to-be, I hit the books and the internet for answers, and that’s when Citronella Oil came into the picture.

Let’s Get Those Toes Happy Again

Alright, time to get practical! Here’s how we’ll use Citronella Oil to kiss those toenail fungus problems goodbye:

Step 1: Start with Fresh Feet

First things first – let’s keep those tootsies clean and dry. Wash your feet nicely and say no to tight shoes for now.

Step 2: Dilute, Dilute, Dilute

Citronella Oil is pretty strong stuff, so we’ll dilute it before using it. Grab a small bowl and mix a few drops of Citronella Oil with some carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil. Nice and gentle!

Step 3: Let’s Soak!

Now, treat your feet to a warm and cozy foot bath. Add a few drops of your diluted Citronella Oil mix into the water. Ah, relax and soak those toes for about 15-20 minutes. Feels good, right?

Step 4: Say Hi to Your Toenails

After the foot spa sesh, pat your feet dry with a soft towel. Time to show your toenails some love! Dip a cotton ball into the diluted Citronella Oil and gently apply it to your affected nails. Easy peasy!

Step 5: Keep It Consistent

Consistency is the secret sauce! Make this routine a part of your day, doing it twice – once in the morning and once before bedtime. Stick with it, and you’ll see those nails get back on track.

A Quick Test Run

Now, here’s a little safety tip – before going all-in, do a patch test. Take a small amount of the diluted Citronella Oil mixture and dab it on your forearm. Wait for 24 hours to make sure there are no bad surprises, like redness or itching.

Time to Embrace Fungal-Free Toes

So there you have it! Citronella Oil to the rescue – safe, natural, and effective for your toenail fungus during pregnancy. Enjoy the journey of pregnancy and kick that toenail fungus to the curb. No more worries – just happy and healthy toes as you get ready to welcome your precious bundle of joy. Happy motherhood to you!


ZetaClear – An All in One Cure

ZetaClear is a natural treatment in two parts that uses Citronella Oil and other powerful ingredients:



  • Recovery Tactics

    Keith holds qualifications in Science, including Biology and Chemistry, and studied at Durham University and the Open University. Having gained invaluable experience as a research scientist, Keith’s contributions to Recovery Tactics are grounded in a wealth of expertise. Keith’s interested in scientific subjects never wanes, ensuring he’s perpetually in sync with the latest research and breakthroughs in the domain. This unyielding dedication and insight shine through in every article he produces for Recovery Tactics, making him the cornerstone of our team and a trusted guide for our readers.